
B&B Nightmare!

(It is better to copy & paste links to another page before opening them so you can listen and read at the same time!  Otherwise, just hit the "back" button after clicking on a link!)

Actually, this WAS a nightmare!

We recently received an iquiry for a reservation for the weekend after Thanksgiving.  This is pretty late for us as most people come during the summer.  Actually, this is the latest we've had guests!  Our farm is picked up for winter.  The deck is bare, the furniture stored in the shed.  The llamas have all been moved into the big barn, so it is "filling up" quickly...beans, beans, the musical fruit!  The gardens have been hit by hard frost and looks like canned spinach!  Delightful!  Plus, they have explained they are going to be arriving around midnight.  I can't even entice them with coffee and goodies when they get here...instead I'll frighten them off when I greet them in my flannel pajamas!!  So, what have we to offer our guests?  Breakfast!

This is where the nightmare begins! I had a dream....

I was visitng my aunt (recently passed) and cousins back at her house in Minnesota.  My kids and husband were with me and all my cousins were home.  I knew we had B&B guests arriving that night and explained to my aunt that we had to leave.  In the hustle and bustle of all the family there, someone said that the guests were just going to let themselves into the B&B, get some sleep and then come over here for breakfast!  Great!?  Travel four hours to meet us HERE for breakfast!?  Okay!  (It's a dream, it doesn't have to make sense!)

The next morning I awake and find my aunt in her kitchen with half a dozen family members.  It's a small kitchen...so this is mayhem! People everywhere!  I ask my aunt what I can make for breakfast.  "Oh, help yourself... whatever is in the refrigerator!"  I can't even get to it as there is a person in my way no matter which way I turn! (Can you hear that popcorn song? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBYjZTdrJlA ) I dance around every person, every chair, the kitchen table...the cat, the dog, the rug...to get over to the REFRIGERATOR!  I open it to find...a bowl of sloppy joes!  Uh-oh!  "Do you have any other food?", I ask, panic rising.  She sends me to the basement to look in the freezer.

Where is the freezer?  I had to search for my kids to help me find the freezer!  Whom better to search for food than teenage boys!  (Now, start humming the theme to the Pink Panther!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OPc7MRm4Y8 )
We're in a frickin basement...the house isn't that big!  It's dark, dreary and unfinished.  Quick, Family Feud...What do you find in a basement?  Washer, dryer, boxes, old clothes, old Christmas stuff...and junk.  If you answered "freezer"...beep!!  Out of who-knows-where, my son finds a grid pattern on the floor.  We have to assemble the pieces like a puzzle...are you still humming that Pink Panther tune?  (Well, change it to the Jeopardy theme!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXGhvoekY44)  Besides, it's a basement...I'm sure the orchestra is hiding under the stairs!

Okay, we are pushing these pieces together with no clue as to what they are supposed to look like...when "CRACK"! ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtyByefOvgQ   Hum the Mission Impossible theme!)The ceiling above us starts to splinter and rain down slivers of wood!  It continues until there is a square shape.  At the lower edge there is a small hole with a long cord hanging down.  I look at my son..."Pull it!"
Such a good mom...I run to the back wall to watch!  He pulls the cord...and, and...and, just like the stairs that lead to the attic...down from the ceiling...comes...the freezer!!  And, inside....it's stocked full!  With venison!  OMG!  What do I make for breakfast? I run back upstairs!

The house is empty!  My aunt appears from the other room and I ask, "What can I feed my guests?  What time will they be here?"  To which she replies..."Honey, I don't know what you're talking about!"  I say I have guests! coming here! for breakfast!  She looks at me and smirks...
"Honey, I think you were dreaming!"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nOfjHPcflI

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