
Christmas Prayer...for all year!

I did NOT write this, but it was sent to me from a friend.  I'm sure it has made the email rounds for a while, but I just got it.  It really hit home...for I too am guilty of judging before loving!  This is a wondeful reminder for compassion!

 Heavenly Father, Help us remember that the jerk who cut us off in
 traffic last night is a single mother who worked nine hours that
 day and is rushing home to cook dinner, help with homework, do the
 laundry and spend a few precious moments with her children.

Help us to remember that the pierced, tattooed, disinterested
 young man who can't make change correctly is a worried 19-year-old
 college student,
 balancing his apprehension over final exams with his fear of not
 getting his student loans for next semester.

Remind us, Lord, that the scary looking bum, begging for money in
 the same spot every day (who really ought to get a job!) is a
 slave to addictions that we can only imagine in our worst

Help us to remember that the old couple walking annoyingly slow
 through the store aisles and blocking our shopping progress are
 savoring this moment, knowing that, based on the biopsy report she
 got back last week, this will be the last year that they go
 shopping together.

Heavenly Father, remind us each day that, of all the gifts you
 give us, the greatest gift is love. It is not enough to share that
 love with those we hold dear. Open our hearts not to just those
 who are close to us, but to all humanity. Let us be slow to judge
 and quick to forgive, show patience, empathy and love.
Working for God on earth doesn't pay much......but His retirement
plan is outstanding.


Santa's Reason for the Season

By: Bonnie Hirdler
Copyright 12/13/10 1-533188251

T’was the night before Christmas and all through our home, not a creature was stirring except a rather large gnome!
 He came to fill the stockings and leave gifts under the tree.  I didn’t expect to see him, and I know he didn’t expect me!
 I stood quietly watching just down the hall. He left everyone gifts, and gave the dog a ball! 
He turned around quickly, I thought he would go, but instead he saw me and he let me know.
He held out his hand and gave me a wink; I took his hand without even a blink!
We sat by the fire, a story he told, a story I knew well for it was very old.
It was the story of Jesus and his much awaited birth, the story of Christmas known around the earth.
“What do you know of Jesus?” I asked,my tone rather stern.  Oh my child, he said, you have a lot to learn.
I bring you these gifts once every year, to give you Christmas spirit and bring Christmas cheer.
Christmas is time to be happy again, to remember the gift God gave to men.
The birth of Jesus brought ultimate joy, which is why I try to bring the perfect toy.
Nothing I bring could ever compare to the love God has given for you to share.
But, once a year, on Christmas Eve I try my best a grand gift to leave,
So when you awake and see it there, you feel His love, His warmth and care
Maybe you’ll feel the sheer delight, the Wise Men felt on that black starry night.  
It is the magic of Christ that will fill the season, and it gives Santa his only reason.
Delight in your gifts and one another’s love, but remember…the greatest of gifts came from above!
Merry Christmas!


Recipe: Camelizing Llamas!

This blog was "requested" by our friend and FB page fan, Jessica.  She asked for the story behind the "camels"!
As you can see, a couple of the llamas were asked to do their rendition of a camel.  This is the story behind the final performance!
About a month ago, or even maybe longer, a woman I had worked with several years ago called to ask if I would "loan" some llamas to their church.  Mmmmm....what for?  Well, there was going to be a Christmas parade and as most of the participants often highlight Santa, Frosty and Rudolf, the church thought it would be nice to add the story of Jesus.  You know...the ride on the donkey to Bethlehem, the stay in the manger...Oh yea, and the Three Wise Men and their...camelized llamas!
Once I stopped snickering, I agreed!  How fun!  Oh, my poor babies!  But, how fun!
First of all, there were some requests on my end.  I couldn't guarantee the llamas would show up if it was icy.  I didn't want the "Bambi on ice" rendition and have to hoist chubby Dez up by her chin!  Second, my trailer hasn’t been used in years, so I wasn’t sure I could haul them and certainly didn’t want to have to walk them into town to walk in the parade and walk home again. Third, whomever was going to walk them had to show up out here to do the whole “meet & greet” routine and spend some time building up trust.  If the llamas were leaving the trails, they really need to trust their leader!
So, the fun begins!  A few nights later I received a call from another person I had worked with a few years back.  (Small town and I’ve had a lot of jobs!)  Joyce was not only someone I had worked with, her family had volunteered one weekend to come and take care of the llamas so we could go out of town.  This was great…they KNOW my llamas!  Joyce and her family showed up that night to measure the llamas for their humps!  Does that sound as funny reading it as it does writing it?  Joyce is the one that coined the phrase…camelizng the llamas!  No butter or heat required!  Just a mother-in-law that must be half nuts, her trusty tape measure and some pins!  So, which llamas would make the best camels?  Curtain call!  I always thought I would make a great casting director!  Well…it briefly, very briefly, entered my mind to have a beautiful white camel…Pelican.  But, she is new and still spits! Um…not good for PR.  Okay…moving on!  Camels are brown…for the most part.  That left me with Twizter, Dez or Gadjit.  Gadj has the stature and definitely star quality…but with his long locks he looks more like Snuffleupagus! (The elephant from Sesame Street!) That left Dez and Twizter.  Short, chubby, slow.  What more could you want in a llama?  I mean camel?!
We agreed this would be our duo.  Mother and son.  Short and fat along with shorter and fatter! There were not three camels as my trailer can only haul two.  The theory was, one of the wise men was way too smart to try to get a llama into camel gear! ;)
At this point, it was time to measure the llamas.  Where do you place the hump?  It was cold out, it was night and getting late.  I have not EVER studied where the hump is on a camel.  Our best guess: right in the middle of their back!  But…one hump or two?  C’mon!  One…let’s make something simple!!  So, the boys helped get the llamas to stand still as Joyce’s mother-in-law attempted to measure the llamas.  Twizter was easy.  Pick a spot, drop the tape, reach under his belly and pull the tape to the top.  Ta-da!  Fat llama!  Now Dez.  Simple?  Pick a spot, drop the tape, reach under…reach under…dodge butt, dodge legs…try again.  Reach under…and watch Dezi dance!  I had forgotten how ticklish she is!  She wouldn’t let Twizter nurse as a newborn -  every time he nuzzled her she would kick him!  How he got so fat is a wonder!  She eventually let him nurse and perseverance paid off again…we got the tape around her!  Chubby!
Joyce and her family helped tuck the llamas in for the night and that was all I heard from anyone until three days prior to the parade!
Joyce called to ask if they could bring out the humps and try them on the llamas.  Sure!  I had never written down the exact date of the parade as I figured when the Wise Men showed up to walk the llamas I would get the date from them.  Joyce informed me that the parade was in four days!  WHAT?  I had plans to go out of town shopping for my daughter...she is in Afghanistan and will miss Christmas, so this was a major upset! I had set plans!  A phone call later, I found that the parade was on Friday night and not Saturday.  I could change plans and leave Saturday morning.  It will work.  But…there was a glitch.  I was told that some high school boys were going to be walking the llamas and NOT the family that had been out here.  This produced a bit of stress all the way around.  There was miscommunication about coming out and working with the llamas prior to the parade.  I explained that, first, the llamas don’t trek at night.  Just my going in and trying to halter them after dark was a whole new program.  Secondly, they hadn’t been in the trailer for a number of years and the trailer had a flat tire.  Manageable, but still stressful. Third, the llamas are going to be walking down a road, not their trail and will be dressed like camels and with people they have never seen before!  This is not the slow, easy lumber on the trails that they are accustomed to. This was major stress on my part!  It was decided that Joyce’s son and husband would be two of the Wise Men.  Her husband, Greg, would be without a llama and provide “bolt insurance”!  If the llamas bolted, he was going to be there to grab them!  It did get all worked out, but it kind of left me sorry I had volunteered the llamas.  This was going to be a lot of work for little ole me!
  So, quickly we had to fashion the llamas into camels and teach them how to “walk like an Egyptian!”  Joyce and two of the Wise Men came out and brought the camel costumes.Well, if you thought it was fun watching Dezi dance to the measuring tape…try strapping a hump down and around and over!  But, she did well.  Once it was covered with blankets and jewels, she actually walked just fine.  All this camelizing was done outside in front of their truck.  The barn lights had gone out and my hubby was trying to figure out how to get them on.  So, in the pitch of night we were doing our best to just getter done in the glow of headlights!
While we were out walking the llamas around the circle on the icy drive, Greg was in helping with the lights!  Ta-da!  They got them fixed.  And, in the true Christmas spirit…Greg said he would be over to help with the trailer, the tire and loading of the llamas!  Hallelujah!                                                The next night we did another pre-production walk.  The other Wise Man came.  It turned out he has a lot of experience with riding horses, being around lots of critters and even some bull riding.  I think he can handle a llama dressed like a camel!  I was a bit concerned that he might try to “bully” Dezi, but after one trek around the circle it was very apparent that he found her as sweet as the rest of us do.  I spent some time going over “what if” scenarios…what if she bolts.  What if Twizter bolts, what if they rear or get frightened…or…OMG!  I forgot…not only is Dezi ticklish, she lays down when she gets tired!  What if?
Performance night
The guys loaded the llamas while Joyce and I pinned the costumes together in the warmth of the house.  All we had to do was get the humps on and throw the rest over the top! We got to the parade starting point on time.  The parade, for some unknown reason, was late!  Along with llamas as camels, there were dogs as sheep.  The sheep decided to break character and chase the camels…which I will state..stayed in character and only glared at those insane looking sheep/dogs/sheep?  Such a look could only come from a camel/llama/camel! ;)
The parade finally got moving and so did the Wise Men with their camels.  About two blocks down, Dezi started…mmm…butt swaying…leg twitching…butt sway, leg twitch, halt.  Oh, oh.  I think she is going to lay down!  The Wise Man doesn’t look so wise…he sure doesn’t look like he knows how to stop a llama in a camel costume from laying down on main street in the middle of the Christmas parade!  We all look at each other and I really think we all quit breathing at the same time!  Dezi, sensing she might have to finish this on her own, started to walk again!  She had this whole stiff legged thing going on…I even commented that maybe she should get tested for Lymes Disease.  We finally figure out…she was losing her hump and the band was pulling around her belly…inciting a llama in a camel costume to try her interpretation of a belly dancer!  She had this little wiggle throughout the parade.  But, she finished.  No drama! Ta-da!


Storybook Farm Llama Trekking B&B: Morning Chores

Storybook Farm Llama Trekking B&B: Morning Chores

Morning Chores

Well, I am hoping this blog is a bit more tame than some of the weird stuff previously!  That is what happens when you are left alone with all these critters...your mind just goes off somewhere! :)

Speaking of critters...I went out this morning, as usual, to feed the llamas.  We recently built a new hay feeder and it was empty...so I went to the hay shed, got some hay and hoisted it down the drive to the feeder.  It has become habit over the years to count my llamas.  Do women with more than 5 children just "count" them?  Anyway, as I was throwing the hay over the fence and into the feeder, those nasty girls would play musical feeder and MOVE!  I was having great difficulty getting an accurate count.  I know I have 15.  I could get to 14, knowing there were four boys in the other pasture.  SO....off I run...down the drive, around the corner and into the barn...only to be met by ALL the llamas that were out feeding!  Now the barn is congested when they all come in and getting a count was difficult again.  I'm counting out loud...One, two, three, four...they move.  One, two, three, four...they move!  Arrrgh!  ONE, TWO, THREE...
At this point, I raise my arms and yell...Are you paying attention here?  C'mon...all together now...1,2,3,4...left, left, left, right, left! I'm marching in place and they all stop and stare!  Okay, got their attention!  1,2,3,4,5...movement!  NOT tolerated!  "Okay ladies...sound off!  I"m tired of this!  One, two, three, four..."  They are staring again and the movement stops!  From somewhere in the rear....I hear....a very low, unmistakable...HUM!  Now, if I could just get the others to "Call out" I'd be fine!  That is a relative term!  All the llamas were there...took two runs around the building, but I got 'em!

Here are a few pictures from around the farm!  Enjoy.  And, please leave a comment, if you will, so I know I'm not just here, alone with all these crazy critters!! :)  Thanks!

Gadjit, deciding if it is too cold to come out to eat!
Girls eating grain...now countable!

Izzy, eating what is left in the grain bucket while I run back and forth to count!

Mo, waiting at the trail for our return.

The barn, obstacles and trail in the trees.

Winter on the farm!


B&B Nightmare!

(It is better to copy & paste links to another page before opening them so you can listen and read at the same time!  Otherwise, just hit the "back" button after clicking on a link!)

Actually, this WAS a nightmare!

We recently received an iquiry for a reservation for the weekend after Thanksgiving.  This is pretty late for us as most people come during the summer.  Actually, this is the latest we've had guests!  Our farm is picked up for winter.  The deck is bare, the furniture stored in the shed.  The llamas have all been moved into the big barn, so it is "filling up" quickly...beans, beans, the musical fruit!  The gardens have been hit by hard frost and looks like canned spinach!  Delightful!  Plus, they have explained they are going to be arriving around midnight.  I can't even entice them with coffee and goodies when they get here...instead I'll frighten them off when I greet them in my flannel pajamas!!  So, what have we to offer our guests?  Breakfast!

This is where the nightmare begins! I had a dream....

I was visitng my aunt (recently passed) and cousins back at her house in Minnesota.  My kids and husband were with me and all my cousins were home.  I knew we had B&B guests arriving that night and explained to my aunt that we had to leave.  In the hustle and bustle of all the family there, someone said that the guests were just going to let themselves into the B&B, get some sleep and then come over here for breakfast!  Great!?  Travel four hours to meet us HERE for breakfast!?  Okay!  (It's a dream, it doesn't have to make sense!)

The next morning I awake and find my aunt in her kitchen with half a dozen family members.  It's a small kitchen...so this is mayhem! People everywhere!  I ask my aunt what I can make for breakfast.  "Oh, help yourself... whatever is in the refrigerator!"  I can't even get to it as there is a person in my way no matter which way I turn! (Can you hear that popcorn song? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBYjZTdrJlA ) I dance around every person, every chair, the kitchen table...the cat, the dog, the rug...to get over to the REFRIGERATOR!  I open it to find...a bowl of sloppy joes!  Uh-oh!  "Do you have any other food?", I ask, panic rising.  She sends me to the basement to look in the freezer.

Where is the freezer?  I had to search for my kids to help me find the freezer!  Whom better to search for food than teenage boys!  (Now, start humming the theme to the Pink Panther!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OPc7MRm4Y8 )
We're in a frickin basement...the house isn't that big!  It's dark, dreary and unfinished.  Quick, Family Feud...What do you find in a basement?  Washer, dryer, boxes, old clothes, old Christmas stuff...and junk.  If you answered "freezer"...beep!!  Out of who-knows-where, my son finds a grid pattern on the floor.  We have to assemble the pieces like a puzzle...are you still humming that Pink Panther tune?  (Well, change it to the Jeopardy theme!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXGhvoekY44)  Besides, it's a basement...I'm sure the orchestra is hiding under the stairs!

Okay, we are pushing these pieces together with no clue as to what they are supposed to look like...when "CRACK"! ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtyByefOvgQ   Hum the Mission Impossible theme!)The ceiling above us starts to splinter and rain down slivers of wood!  It continues until there is a square shape.  At the lower edge there is a small hole with a long cord hanging down.  I look at my son..."Pull it!"
Such a good mom...I run to the back wall to watch!  He pulls the cord...and, and...and, just like the stairs that lead to the attic...down from the ceiling...comes...the freezer!!  And, inside....it's stocked full!  With venison!  OMG!  What do I make for breakfast? I run back upstairs!

The house is empty!  My aunt appears from the other room and I ask, "What can I feed my guests?  What time will they be here?"  To which she replies..."Honey, I don't know what you're talking about!"  I say I have guests! coming here! for breakfast!  She looks at me and smirks...
"Honey, I think you were dreaming!"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nOfjHPcflI

Our B&B

I started writing this blog about a nightmare I had...B&B Anxiety.  However, I found myself explaining how our B&B is run and it is taking up so much space, you'll have to endure this posting first! :)

Now, take in mind, we are a small, family run B&B. (Kids have all left, so "I" am the family!)  The inn is our home and you are treated as a family friend rather than a B&B guest.  I suppose the strangest thing (well, planned thing) we do is sit down to breakfast with our guests.  So far, in the 4 years of having the B&B, no one has ever booked a room while someone else was here! We're small and out of the way...not many guests!  So guests don't have to dine alone we delight (or possibly cast fright upon) them with our company over breakfast!  We usually end up telling stories of animals, or kids, or vacations, or work, or...pretty much anything!  Seldom, if ever, has the conversation just been light chit-chat!  We've heard tales of a man that lived on a banana plantation and raised his family there.  A bee-keeper came and almost hired my son to give the bees their vaccinations! ;)  We've had palm readers and ghost hunters, newly engaged couples and families leaving Dad's ashes...each guest has their own story, their own adventure and we love hearing about all of them!  Breakfasts can last up to 3 hours!  The food is pretty good, too! ;)

99% of our guests come to see the llamas.  After breakfast is the time we usually go out and take a trek.  One of my favorite "talks" is debunking llama myths!  Yes, llamas spit!  NO...YOU will probably not be spit upon!  If you go to a friend's house who has a dog are you afraid you're going to get bit?  You tick off the llamas, they spit.  Be nice, they don't.  Have grain, they kiss you! Get kisses, refuse the grain, possible spit! ;)  At this point, I give a llama 101 class which includes safety.  Do NOT wrap the lead around your hand.  As small as llamas seem, they are very strong!  You don't want to have a spooked llama and become a bob-along or a drag-along!  (Don't worry, it's never happened!)

Anyway, trekking takes a bit over an hour and then we run the obstacle course.  Bridge, teeter-totter, ducks, jumps, etc.  Compete against the others!  Then time for kisses!  This has become the icing on the proverbial cake!  You take grain, go out into the pasture amongst the llamas and tease them.  They then give you kisses!  For most of the llamas, you have to "show" them you have grain, then quickly close your hand to receive your kiss and then open your hand for the treat.  However, some of the llamas are great kissers...you show up, they plant one on you!  They too want their treat...and beware the evil Cinderella...no treat...SPIT!

So, this is the morning excitement.  Guests usually leave to go visit one of the surrounding sites...like look for a decaying National Forest sign so they can rebuild it back home!?  I start tomorrows breakfast.  Rather than get up at 4 AM, I prefer to make as much ahead of time as possible so I can at least pretend to have a normal conversation!!  I'll post future blogs about some of the many enlightening conversations...elephants in the hotel, painting bees for identification and searching the forest to find disembodied parts!  No cadaver dogs needed...just looking for a sign!



I love animals, but not so much pigs.  They smell.  I have a very keen sense of smell, so pigs are not my most favorite animals to be hugging!  However, I do smile when I see a pig.  I can’t help but picture my lovely mother, back in the lighter days of her youth, with her pig “Chester”.
My mother had a horrid childhood; filled with abuse no one should hear about much less endure.  She has become bitter and isolates herself from the world.  Her stories always turn to anger and self pity…until you talk about “Chester”.  This is my mother’s story.
Chester was the tiniest piglet.  The one that everyone knew would be crushed by the mother if left with the others.  So, my grandfather brought him into the house to place in a box by the fire.  I was to give him milk and any food I could smash up enough for him to eat.  I named him Chester.  He was a cute little pig.  Chester grew quickly.  One day he decided the box was no longer meant for him and out he popped.  Running hither and dither, he knocked over every stick of furniture he bumped.  Grandma took one look and yelled, “Out!”  So, out Chester went.  Down to the barn we went to be with the other pigs.
I didn’t stop feeding Chester just because he was no longer allowed in the house.  I brought him stolen bits of bread and any leftovers I could sneak out of the house.  I would detour past the barn every morning before school and give him his treats.  One day, he got loose and decided to follow me down the road to the school bus.  I was worried he would get lost and couldn’t think all day of anything else.  Upon my arrival home, there was Chester at the end of the drive waiting for me!  What a darling pig! 
Now, I was a small girl and Chester was getting to be a very strong, large pig.  I decide it absurd for the two of us to be walking up this long drive! So, I rode Chester home.  Yep!  Me and my pig.  He met me almost every day after school at the end of the drive, so I could ride him home.  Grandpa thought it quite funny, Grandma not so much.  I sure loved that little pig.
The lines in my mother’s face seem to soften and I can see some of the sorrow in her eyes disappear with each memory she recants of life on that farm.  Gee, I love that pig!



The following is an email I sent to my kids, especially for my daughter.  She left last week to serve in Afghanistan.  We have been talking lately amongst family members, if we believe in "signs" or if things are just coincidence.  My son is thinking about becoming a Navy Seal and just happened to find out he was working with a guy that was one. It was odd how he found out...but that is another blog! 

I share this with you, so you can determine for yourself.  I have added a few notes ** in the blog to help you gain more perspective!  I also blocked out the names for privacy.

>>>>Hi (Kids)!

We had this conversation about believing in signs.  Just wanted to let you know about this coincident!

I had talked to (friend) the other day and she talked about asking her angels to watch over someone for her.  These angels are loved ones that have died.

So, last night or the night before...I did a mental inventory of which angel I wanted to watch over which kid.  As we have plenty of angels, I broke them into groups.

My dad, W, was a fighter and very intimidating...So, I sent him to watch over (daughter) to keep her safe.  I also sent D because I knew he loves her so much and being so far from home it’s always good to know you are loved.  **D is a cousin that passed away January 2009.  He lived in a group home in MN and visited our farm regularly.  He and my daughter were very close.** 

I sent my real dad, M, to watch over (son1).  M was a marine.  He was very intelligent and it took him a while to get on one path.  I figure he can keep (son1) safe and help lead him to where he needs to go.  M, eventually, made a huge impact on the war effort!

(Son2) is being watch by Grandpa J.  He had that dry sense of humor but also kept an eye on you so you didn't get out of line.  As (son2) is pushing some of those limits, I thought J would be a good angel for him.  **Son2 is a new college freshman!  Need I say more?**

As for our girls: (sis1&2) and L.  (sis1&2) are popping in and out between all the family (I'm sure they love being in Mexico with Dad!).  I'm sure L is as well, but I asked her to stay around me for a bit so I can feel like I am keeping our family somewhat together!  HA!  I also have my sister, Gina.  **L is my husband's mother.  She was the true matriarch that held the family together.  After she passed, the family rarely sees each other!**

BUT....the coincident?  Last night I fell asleep trying to remember who I had asked to watch over (daughter).  Today, I drove down to get the mail as I hadn't gotten it in the past couple days.

There was a postcard with a phone number to call..."YOU have won!"  My dad, W, died with a very old letter from Publishers Clearing house on his table stating he was a winner...he never threw it away.  AND...There was a letter from D's nephew.  I didn't even know who it was but opened it.  It was a nice letter with pictures thanking us for all the time we spent with D and telling us how much D loved us.  His nephew also stated that he had meant to talk to us at the funeral but was just able to get in touch now.  How long ago did he die?  AND, today that shows up? 

Coincident?  Or...a sign?!! 

To follow up:  After sending out the above email to my kids...I went to the kitchen to tidy up.  Still wondering if the letters were a "sign" or what...I went to file the letter away and found a poem folded up with it.  I didn't read the entire poem, but this line caught my eye.  It was on the lower half of the page.

He had great faith, so please watch over him and he will be sure and watch over the friends and family that are still here on earth.  He will be a great guardian angel for them.

Sign or coincidence?  You be the judge. 

Hugs, Hums and Blessings!


White Rain

     Ah yes, another lovely day slopping the hogs!  Well, I don't have hogs...but the llamas are pretty sloppy looking right now!  Women...you know how when you're husband leaves, everything that can go wrong does go wrong?  No matter how much you try to pre-empt it...it gets you!
     So, hubby had to leave for a business trip to Mexico.  Yes, warm weather, sunshine and yummy food!  Me?  Someone has to slop the hogs!  I mean, feed the dogs!  This time it was Mother Nature that had to get involved in my chores!  Another bright and early, before I was even dressed ordeal.  (I do think I will sleep in my clothes from now on!)  Rain helps me sleep.  I love to be in bed during a storm.  So, I was enjoying the early morning patter when the dog…dang dog, Chip…started barking.  He barks at EVERYTHING!  Well, all the dogs started in, so up I fly to look out the window.  The propane truck is here and tentatively backing around the front of the house.  I just happened to have parked our pickup out there and was worried the driver might back into it…so….Another morning of running out of the house in my pj’s.  This time I managed to grab some boots (not winter type, high heel dressy type) to keep my feet from freezing as the rain was a bit icy!   T-shirt, flannel plaid pants and high heel boots...running out of the house, across the yard, behind the moving propane truck!  Did you see it coming?  I didn’t!  Yep, down I went…best second base save of the season!  Foot hit the icy grass, knee hit the mud, sliding up to the hip, shoulder hits and here it comes…the roll from side to back…and still sliding.  AND…the propane truck was still backing up!  So, I managed that incredible maneuver from lying on my back to standing in a split second!  The driver of the truck opens his window and yells out…”I’m new.  Where’s your tank?”  I point and ask if he needs our vehicle moved.  Nope.  Second base roll for nothing!  Green slimy mud decorated my lovely outfit from my knee all the way up my side as I hobbled back to the house, dripping goo from under the back of my shirt!
     Okay…clean up and get dressed.  Got the dog, Izzy, a shock collar to teach her to stay off the highway, so put it on the charger.  Out to feed the llamas and then a hike to try out the new collar.  I get to the barn to find out that half of it is flooded!  The rain starts pouring down!  Gee, memories of a flooding barn back when we lived in MN are telling me to go back in the house!  That time it was trenching in the pouring rain to save our baby chicks!  De ja vu!  Two hours later, I have the trench around the boy’s side of the barn completed.  The rain never stopped and I was again soaked to the bone!  Boys will be dry, good work.  I entered the house and thinking it should be a bit warmer than it was, got side tracked trying to figure out the controls on the dog collar.  I had already replaced it once due to malfunction.  The remote wasn’t talking to the collar.  Dang thing.  Maybe it needs to charge longer?  So, I plug it in…only to find out our electricity was out!  Are we seeing a theme here?  Wet and cold, no hot water, no heat.  Gee, no lights, no computer, no TV.  No microwave, no stove…no getting warm, no entertainment, no eating…NO HUSBAND!  He’s in Mexico, in the sunshine, eating great food!  I’m here… still no power …watching the rain as it turns white! As the sun goes down it glows in the moonlight. It’s brighter outside than in the house! I bet it’s warmer, too! I’m sleeping in my clothes!!! J 


Concentrate on the good in life!

Well, today was my "relax" day.  Maybe get online and visit with friends I've met on an art forum.  Everyone is having difficulties with some aspect of their life...and so I decided to write a touching poem about concentrating on the good things life has to offer.  The poem went very well...it rhymed and flowed well.  I even managed to express the gratitude I have in the friendships that I've made on the forum.  WELL...
During the spell-check phase, Bozo, our Collie/Saint Bernard, started barking.  This is unusual for him but not so unusual for Chip, our Border Collie/Lab mix.  So, up to the window only to see...llamas!  Llamas!!  Running out of the barn and down the driveway!! Concentrate on the good things...concentrate on the good things!   Good thing I only have 11 in that pasture!  I hadn't finished my first cup of coffee nor was I even dressed.  That will teach me!  So, I am yelling out the bathroom window..."Here llama babies, here llama babies!"  (This is the customary call to get them to come back to the barn for feeding!)  Well, they perked up their ears and twisted their heads in my direction...as my foot slips out of my jeans, catches on top and down I go!  Concentrate on the good things...concentrate on the good things!  Good thing I wasn't naked and woken up to the EMT's over me! Frightful!  Grabbed a jacket and headed out to the driveway.  Llamas see me coming and bolt.  Concentrate on the good things!  Good thing I don't have a loaded gun!!  I manage to get into the barn to fill a bucket with grain.  Some of the llamas hear the clatter and start the trek back to the barn.  This IS a good thing!  Now, how to get past the ones that are coming down to the barn without spooking them?  I wait it out in the barn.  Five of the eleven enter the barn and run into the pen towards their dishes of grain.  Six to go.  I head down the driveway and manage to get past them.  AND, now the dogs have decided to follow me...coming from the other side of the llamas! They spook the llamas and I am running down the driveway trying to keep in front of them so they don't make it to the gate.  The neighbors think I have mad llamas and am running in fear for my life as I am NOT yelling good things!
Again, good thing I don't have a loaded gun!  Dogs get past the llamas and we can halt!  Concentrate on the good things!  I have not lost my breath yet nor passed out!  I call the dogs to walk next to me and we herd the llamas up to the barn.  In they go...GREAT THING!  I get the grain bucket filled and continue to fill their feeders.  I turn to leave...and Corey, my biggest male, comes nose to nose with me!  I forgot to lock the gate!!  Concentrate on the good things!   Good thing he understands cursing and went back in!
Back in the house, to finish my poem.  There it is, as I left it...in the middle of the spell check.  Yep...great! I finished the spell check and hit "publish"...only to have the screen go blank with a message..."Your time has run out.  Please log in again."  Well, I lost the poem and I have no memory, so rewriting it is impossible!
Concentrate on the good things!   Good thing I have no memory...I'll forget this morning by tonight! 
Well, maybe......   lol


Bed and Breakfast Adventures!

We own a B&B.  We are a working farm and own llamas.  I am learning to accept the fact that we are NOT a LINENS & LACE Bed & Breakfast!

Guests arrived and as they got out of their cars I greeted them - "Be careful where you step, the dog left a present near there!"  They came an hour early and I was still in the kitchen preparing things for the next day. I really WAS going to get the doggy doo before they arrived!  After settling in, they came upstairs to visit and we found a chickadee in the room.  It flew around the vaulted ceilings and disappeared for the night.  The next morning it showed up on the table...on plates, in glasses, perching on silverware!  It finally allowed us to usher it outside! 
This prompted a breakfast clean-up BEFORE breakfast!  Then...the trek.  (Check out our website for trekking details...www.LlamaKisses.com)  Guests asked for a slow, easy trek.  It went very well until we were returning and right next to the culvert GreyT acted up, spooking Dez, who was in front of her.  Dez bolted sideways and with a hip to hip blow almost knocked our guest into the water!  All survived!  The grand finale?  Car keys were lost upon departure and we (guests included) spent an hour pulling apart the house...every nasty dust bunny escapee was found...but not the keys!  Yep, we are NOT a LINEN & LACE B&B! :)  But, our guests have already booked a return visit! :)