
Concentrate on the good in life!

Well, today was my "relax" day.  Maybe get online and visit with friends I've met on an art forum.  Everyone is having difficulties with some aspect of their life...and so I decided to write a touching poem about concentrating on the good things life has to offer.  The poem went very well...it rhymed and flowed well.  I even managed to express the gratitude I have in the friendships that I've made on the forum.  WELL...
During the spell-check phase, Bozo, our Collie/Saint Bernard, started barking.  This is unusual for him but not so unusual for Chip, our Border Collie/Lab mix.  So, up to the window only to see...llamas!  Llamas!!  Running out of the barn and down the driveway!! Concentrate on the good things...concentrate on the good things!   Good thing I only have 11 in that pasture!  I hadn't finished my first cup of coffee nor was I even dressed.  That will teach me!  So, I am yelling out the bathroom window..."Here llama babies, here llama babies!"  (This is the customary call to get them to come back to the barn for feeding!)  Well, they perked up their ears and twisted their heads in my direction...as my foot slips out of my jeans, catches on top and down I go!  Concentrate on the good things...concentrate on the good things!  Good thing I wasn't naked and woken up to the EMT's over me! Frightful!  Grabbed a jacket and headed out to the driveway.  Llamas see me coming and bolt.  Concentrate on the good things!  Good thing I don't have a loaded gun!!  I manage to get into the barn to fill a bucket with grain.  Some of the llamas hear the clatter and start the trek back to the barn.  This IS a good thing!  Now, how to get past the ones that are coming down to the barn without spooking them?  I wait it out in the barn.  Five of the eleven enter the barn and run into the pen towards their dishes of grain.  Six to go.  I head down the driveway and manage to get past them.  AND, now the dogs have decided to follow me...coming from the other side of the llamas! They spook the llamas and I am running down the driveway trying to keep in front of them so they don't make it to the gate.  The neighbors think I have mad llamas and am running in fear for my life as I am NOT yelling good things!
Again, good thing I don't have a loaded gun!  Dogs get past the llamas and we can halt!  Concentrate on the good things!  I have not lost my breath yet nor passed out!  I call the dogs to walk next to me and we herd the llamas up to the barn.  In they go...GREAT THING!  I get the grain bucket filled and continue to fill their feeders.  I turn to leave...and Corey, my biggest male, comes nose to nose with me!  I forgot to lock the gate!!  Concentrate on the good things!   Good thing he understands cursing and went back in!
Back in the house, to finish my poem.  There it is, as I left it...in the middle of the spell check.  Yep...great! I finished the spell check and hit "publish"...only to have the screen go blank with a message..."Your time has run out.  Please log in again."  Well, I lost the poem and I have no memory, so rewriting it is impossible!
Concentrate on the good things!   Good thing I have no memory...I'll forget this morning by tonight! 
Well, maybe......   lol